Ze Monday.
We picked up Gapa and drove to work. Worked, worked, worked all day.
Bird song.
Sas and I left office at 5 and went birding to Baylands Natural Preserve, a little way away from office, and I made a song about a bird on the road and then it being in the sky. Inspired by a read bird! :P It goes like this:
Bird on the road...
Bird on the road...
Bird on the road...
:D Sounds great, huh? It's pretty catchy.
Anyway, after bugging Sas with it for a while, we picked up Gapa, saw Venky there too and picked him up as well and thus the happy troupe drove back to SF. These boys made me stop on the way and wait for what felt like ages. The we dropped Venky back to his place, and went back to the hotel. I was very zonked, and the internet wasn't working, so I gave some of my work away. :|
Hunger got the best of us shortly after. Mrin had already eaten though, so she just came along. We went for dinner to this restaurant opposite the Sheraton, called Cafe Pescatore. The place had great food, and we were acting mad singing my bird song throughout dinner. Post dinner, Sas and Gapa stayed at Gapa's because we didn't want to share the bathroom before work the next morning. :P
Fun evening!
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