Super excited to be in San Francisco! :) :) :)
Today was fairly uneventful though. I got off the flight, took a cab and got to my apartment, where I had to wait thirty minutes to go to the apartment itself. The apartment (a studio in SF) is beautiful, overlooking the King's street Caltrain station.
What I did: I unpacked a little bit, made a few calls to everyone in California, telling them I was here again. Billy and I had planned to surprise Paul, but that didn't work out, so we just told him I was here and we'll meet tomorrow.
I went out to get some food, got lost in the apartment (it's confusing as a maze!) and by the time I made my way out it was dark and I was too sleepy. With no phone to help me with directions, I wasn't in the mood to step out, so I just came back to my apartment, talked to Pa and Sas for a bit and then passed out at around 8.30pm.
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