It's that time of the year again when we all write feedback for each other in hopes that it will eventually pay off in a bump in the other person's rating (or a dip, depending on how your corporate-brain is inclined).
I had so many meetings today, but I met one interesting manager from the Chicago office. He was very passionate about everything he was saying, so I lean towards believing him. It was a short meeting though, and I'm sure I made a decent enough impression. I'm fairly good at work, as it happens! :)
Grand Can(not)yon.
We considered driving up to the Grand Canyon this weekend, but almost as soon as we considered it, we dropped the idea. Near-impossible.
Sunil Rao.
Anyhow, got lots of work done and then in the evening I finally met Sunil Rao who is in MTV too! Poor kid was stressed out and jetlagged. I had dinner with him and we waited for the longest time for our respective shuttles - but he missed his, so he called a cab and left. He'll be moving to SF tomorrow.
Came home to discover that the door was unlocked, and I got the shock of my life - I wondered if I'd left it open in the morning, which is HIGHLY unlikely. And I met my entire Hyd team! Which was so much fun. I told them the news. And in the middle of it, my new roommate walks in! He introduced himself in the middle. And then he vanished. So was solved the mystery of the unlocked door!
Sunny's here as well ! :)
Worked on the site for a bit, and now I'm SOOOOOOPER tired. Off to bed I go!
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