Monday, July 18, 2011


I woke up to the best news I've heard in a long time, and with a smile ghosting my face all day, I went to work.

Long day.

It was a long day at work today. Not a lot got done, but some difficult stuff got done, which is a good thing. I suppose it might even out.

I had lunch with Rachel and then hung out at her desk for almost all of the afternoon, getting my questions answered. She was being so ultra nice about answering all my questions, it's not even funny. Like, she actually goes out of her way to help out. And over lunch, we were talking about how she loves watermelon, how I've traveled, what I think of the place, how she's traveled and so much more. It was fun, and we ended up asking each other over for dinner during the week. Nice. :)


Ashlene and I had a bus to catch that evening, to go to L.A., so I found out which shuttle would take us to our stop, and we waited in the office until the shuttle to take us there showed up. In the meantime we spoke to Allie (with the funny dog) and Chris.

We got off at the stop in San Jose and walked the rest of the way to Almaden Ave, and we passed through this really FANCY part of town called San Fernando. We saw a lot of good restaurants open there too, but I insisted that we don't stop walking and get to our stop first because it was past 9pm already, and we didn't know the area ...and definitely looked like tourists. When we got to the stop, it was in a shady area, and we went into the bus station to wait. We hadn't eaten, and Ashlene was tired and cranky. The passengers waiting were odd, and the bus stop TVs were playing this show that showed clips from accidents (stunts gone wrong, etc.), and people were laughing. It was disturbing, to say the least! Finally, after a two hour wait filled with hunger and unfriendly bus stand staff, our bus arrived and we got in with much hesitation because we were told that the crime rate on these buses are fairly high. The advice we got to sit on the right side of the bus was much appreciated and well used.

We crashed as soon as we were on the road, despite some obnoxious passengers like the one playing loud trance music and the one yawning like an elephant every 5 minutes! Thankfully, the driver told the guy with the music to turn down the music. Haha.

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